Friday, September 2, 2011

Adjustment Week

So, today is Friday and I think we will finally have our routine down.  Then we have a 2-3 day weekend (It depends on whose weekend we are actually talking about.  Mine is 2 days, everyone else's is 3.) and then we have to start over.  I realize the adjustment back into school is a hard one for everyone, but I didn't realize how difficult it would be for the adults.  Nathan seemed to take to his own school routine without a hitch, but he and I adjusting to Aedan's new routine, well, that is another ball of wax.
Today is the only day I have witnessed Ariana and she cried when Aedan went to school.  I snuggled her and said, "honey, Aedan has to go to school." To which she replied (through tears and sniffles) "No, Aedan.  No cools."  Sad and sweet and absolutely adorable.  Aedan loves school and his only hard adjustment has been the change in therapy times.  His speech therapist moved the end of June, the same time he "graduated" speech therapy.  That was a difficult transition for him and he often states that he misses Miss Janet.  Now, we have had to change his time slots with Miss Chrystal and Miss Melissa and I think he is nervous about that.  After a couple of weeks, I am sure he will be fine.  He doesn't even seem to have an issue going to bed earlier, waking up earlier, or getting ready in the morning!  I am still in awe that my tiny, sweet baby boy has grown into a sweet, tall, bright, rambunctious 5 year old kindergartner and my tiny, sweet, baby girl has grown into a walking, talking, tall, cuddly, Amazon of a 19 month old.  

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe how much Ariana has grown! So very cute that she misses her brother.

    And tell Aedan I miss him, too! I hope he had a great first week of kindergarten. Give both of your kids squeezes from me!
